In the Light, there is always Love
Light initiations and the collective return to the Light is a major theme in this year of New Earth transformation.
One of the Light initiations that may be taking place, is the belief that Love and Light are separate. The notion that Love holds characteristics of magnetism, comes from the feminine consciousness (lunar energies), and holds the potential for creations to be expressed. The notion that Light is electrical, contains information, and holds the parameters for the creation to be expressed comes from the masculine consciousness (solar energies). And while these statements may all be true, there is no separation between Love and Light.
In the Light, there is always Love. And in the Love, there is always Light. The feminine consciousness shares LoveLight, while the masculine consciousness shares LightLove. Breathe into the LoveLight, and then breathe into the LightLove now, what do you notice?
We receive infusions of light, downloads, knowledge, and intelligence through the Love current. We also receive infusions of love, expansion, and healing through the Light frequency.
The two energies and consciousness are always intertwined. Love and Light always go together.

You can also perceive Love as a form of Light, for the qualities of faith, compassion, joy, forgiveness etc. all carry different strands of light frequencies, and yet these qualities are held within the banner of Love. They also contain Light we say, it is also Light.
Contemplating possible initiations of Light, how you receive Light and information streams, how clear you are, whether you are able to receive from various enlightened sources, how you share your Light, whether you are able to hold the light all stems from Love as the foundation that establish, transform, transmit Light and more importantly gives birth to wisdom. For within different sources of information, inspirations, guidance, dispensations and wisdom, in the Light there is also Love.
Enlightened consciousness and your Presence is not embodied if there is duality in these streams of consciousness. Presence and enlightened consciousness simply cannot flow if there is duality in these streams of consciousness. For when the LoveLight and the LightLove come together in oneness, the Power of Creation and Divinity comes through as Christ Consciousness.
Love and Light together is a facilitator of creation energy, they are necessary parts of Creation. Love is a creation energy for holding the infinite potential like the voidal womb of the Divine Mother. Light is a creation energy of form, all the characteristics of form and growth emanating from the solar rays from the Divine Father. And both are needed by you, by all light-workers for the birthing of divine creation and expression.

Even if you are a Love being, it does not mean you not holding and emitting strong light. It just means you have a stronger propensity for sharing gifts of Love. Light has always been within you, you are the Light. There is the Light of your Soul, the infinite Light from your Higher Self, and the eternal Light of your Presence.
If you are a Light being, it does not mean you limited Love to share. You simply have a stronger propensity for sharing gifts of Light. There is the Love of your Soul, infinite Love from your Higher Self, and the unconditional Love of your Presence, you are the essence of Love.
"All that you are is the embodiment of Love, Light and Divinity expressed as the entirety of your consciousness, multi-dimensionality and Presence."
Breathe this Divine Truth into your core now.
Within your multi-dimensional consciousness, any separation of the Love and Light may create a polarisation of your masculine and feminine. Any belief that your feminine and masculine consciousness are mutually exclusive creates for your mind and heart to not be in harmony, it may be a challenge to agree and co-create together.
Those on the path of Light initiations, there may a conscious or subconscious fear of the masculine. You may even prefer the company of other females or feminine masters because they are loving, safe, pure and divine. There may be an avoidance of masculine energies or connecting with the masculine masters due to subconscious beliefs that they are controlling, aggressive and create destruction. Indeed, held in the collective and personal memories are the long periods and current experiences of patriarchal culture that suppress the LoveLight of the sacred feminine.
There may be a perception or fear that the Light corrupts or can harm, and this part of your consciousness may deny your own Light. It may create for you to not want to meet the Light for it may be overwhelming, to not accept all of your Light, to not share your Light or not want to co-create with the Light. If this is the case, there is a part of your feminine consciousness that is in need of forgiving and healing.
Those experiencing Love initiations, the masculine part of your consciousness might not enjoy working with the feminine. You may prefer to be with men or connect with the masculine masters because they are practical, full of light and more intelligent. There may be an avoidance of feminine energies or connecting with the feminine masters due to the belief they are emotional, uncontrollable, impractical, and not grounded. Indeed held in the collective and personal memories, are the past and current experiences of the wounded and ungrounded feminine that have not cooperated with the Light of the masculine.
When the masculine consciousness is not holding Love while sharing their Light, there may be a tendency to share truth at all cost. The belief that one's truth is more divine than another's truth or even more important than the Divine Truth. Words that are spoken or actions taken in the name of truth are piercing and controlling for there is a lack of love's gentleness and compassion. The need to share one's truth / Light without the Love stems from the disharmonious masculine, having humility to honor everyone's truth whilst holding the higher truth, making amends for any past controlling behavior will create for the Love to return and collaboration with the feminine consciousness.
"Expand your love quotient and light quotient equally, for a graceful journey of ascension and enlightenment"
Both Love and Light initiations are needed for integrating duality, and when these are resolved and brought into oneness it allows greater expansion of your power and the embodiment of your Presence. Any disharmonious feminine and masculine consciousness need to be brought back to oneness and completes with loving awareness and acceptance, as well as clarity of the higher truth and wisdom. Both Love and Light is needed by your feminine and masculine consciousness for there to be Divine Union and for your Divine Power to flow through.Both love and light initiations are needed for integrating inner duality and separation, and when these are resolved it allows you to expand more into your power and embodiment of your Presence. Any disharmonious feminine and masculine consciousness need to be brought back to oneness with loving awareness and acceptance, clarity of the light and wisdom. Both Love and Light is needed by your feminine and masculine consciousness for there to be Divine Union and for your Divine Power to flow through.

During the powerful 8-8 Lion's Gateway as well as for the rest of the year is a golden opportunity to transform parts of your being that is denying your Light or is limiting Light through not meeting it with Love. The solar rays and empowerment codes coming through the Great Central Sun Sirius during the Lion's Gateway activates DNA and upgrades humanity to step into greater empowerment with their LightLove. Divine plasmic codes of LightLove that enhances your crystalline consciousness allows for an expansion of your consciousness and is incredibly supportive for self-ascension and light work, this is the God's grace and blessing.
We honor your unique LightLove, we are grateful that there is a greater weaving of LightLove of all light-workers effecting the New Earth. Many blessings of grace as the empowerment of the LightLove supports expansion of your illumination, ascension and enlightenment in this year of Light Transformation.