Light Transformation Full Moon Ceremony
20 October 2021 | Sydney 10pm, Hong Kong 7pm, London 12pm, New York 7am

Beloved Hearts,
We invite you to the Light Transformation ceremonies, a series of full moon ceremonies in collaboration with the Holy Mother Sophia, Celestial Mother, Mother Gaia, and the Family of Light to facilitate higher octaves of Celestial Light and blessed dispensations to anchor for the New Earth, New Humans, and New Kingdoms. The Light Transformation ceremonies follows from the completion of the Love Transformation ceremonies with the higher octaves of Celestial Love for the upliftment of Mother Earth, humanity and all beings. We are so grateful to the global family that have co-created the Love Transformation ceremonies and enabled all its blessings of love toflow with grace culminating in the activation of the Celestial Heart of Gaia and opening of the collective heart of humanity.
The higher purpose of the Light Transformation Ceremonies is to enable greater octaves of Light, divine frequencies and activations of humanity’s DNA and star consciousness. Through the higher octaves of celestial love, the higher quotients of Celestial Light and light dispensations are lovingly held and received in a way that supports all participants and humanity with graceful integration. Each month, a different star system and the enlightened star council will share its unique gifts and divine frequencies for the DNA activation. The higher dimensional strands activates the New Human template that has laid dormant, these hold more connection to the Higher Self. The New Human blueprint when activated through a deep heart opening and the DNA upgrade of their crystalline nature, dissolves the old structures and patterns that do not align with divinity, and empowers with greater clarity and higher consciousness. Through the Celestial Light and divine light dispensations grounding into the chakras of the Earth, humanity’s collective opening to their higher consciousness supports the lifting of consciousness upon the Earth and the evolution of the New Earth blueprint to manifest. This supports not only Mother Earth, but initiates the awakening of Earth’s new kingdoms, and humanity’s connection to these kingdoms.
The next Light Transformation ceremony will be divinely held during the next Full Moon of 20 October. There will be a focus on calibration for the October full moon ceremony to support all beings to attune to the higher influx of Light that came through during the powerful month of September and to prepare for the ascending frequencies of November and December. Furthermore, there will be other divine dispensations and blessings that will be will be offered in accordance to what is the highest for the collective at this time. We call to all souls who resonate to the Light Transformation mission to join us in sacred circle, to be the Earth Emissaries to co-create with us these blessed experiences of the Celestial Light and Light Dispensations in support of humanity, all beings, and all kingdoms of the New Earth.
With Luminous Love,
Holy Mother, Celestial Mother, Mother Gaia, Ashtar Command and the Family of Light
Organised and Facilitated by Yjemani, Amakelia, and El’mara
Event Details
Date: 20th October 2021
Time: Sydney 10pm, Hong Kong 7pm, London 12pm, New York 7am (1.5 hours)
Registration: coming up on eventbrite via link or copy into browser
Livestream: Zoom meeting details will be sent after registration by eventbrite immediately, please check your junk box as well
Recordings: will be sent within 2 hours after the ceremony, please indicate upon event registration or for post event enquiries send email to
Love Transformation: refer to the Love Transformation ceremonies information under the Gifts of Love section, and email if you would like to access these recordings.
Facilitator Bios
Yjemani Kaala Raphael is a spiritual guide, creationist, and catalyst in the modern day world. A multi-dimensional combination of love, light and creation that opens doors for other beloveds so they may access greater love, consciousness, divinity, creativity and harmonic flow. In Presence, Yjemani co-creates with the enlightened realms of Creator Source, sharing insights, sacred sounds, channels teachings from the One Heart and Universal Healing in private sessions, group meditations, workshops and group missions. She has also collaborated and performed with grammy-award winning musicians and sound healers on sacred sound journeys, as well as consciously shares her unique frequency of divine love, and essence into her creations. Refer to Yjemani's work and path of service at
Katherine El’mara Lucas is an energy healer, activator, akashic record reader and channeller. Her desire to live a joyfuland empowered life led her along a spiritual journey of transformation and self-discovery that has spanned over two decades. Katherine is passionate aboutspreading the message of love and faith and assisting others to empowerthemselves so they too can open their hearts to rediscover their own divine true self. Katherine uses a high frequency healing system called the Tablets of Faith, akashic record readings and uses light sacred sound singing, in her sessions, to help shift energies within the mind, body and soul. She provides unconditional love and compassion and works with ascended masters and the angelic realms to channel guidance to assist others on their healing journey. Katherine El’mara is a certified Counsellor of Light and a Mentor of The Divine University.
Amakelia Zje’vara Kumara has a deep love of transformation and growth and loves to empower others to move more into their experience of divine connection and wholeness, to experience more of theirconsciousness and access their gifts and mastery in a deeper way. She works with the higher spiritual realms to support others through her gifts of Seership, Akashic Record Keeper and as a Divine Channel of ceremonies, healing,teaching, channeling ascended beings from the Holy Mother to Enlightened Masters. Amakelia’s special love is to support Mother Earth and all beings through these ascension times, through ceremony and bringing through dispensations that bring liberation and balance, to bring God’s ease and grace to this journey. She has been on a deep spiritual path for 30 years, offering personal healing sessions, group channeling and ceremonies, and bringing groupsto the land to open their multidimensional connection to Mother Earth. Amakelia has trained with Qala Sri Ama Phoenix for many years and is a Mentor of the Divine University.