冥想,:祝福。感恩與豐盛調頻接訊靜心冥想 - 告別2019, 迎接2020
2019年12月21日,晚上700 - 830PM, @光行者中心
由聖救度佛母多羅菩薩,觀音菩薩, 和大天使 Faith使受照明光,導師李怡然 (Yvonne Yjemani Li) 進行的冥想,將使參加者獲得感恩和豐盛的祝福。我們將在冬至及虛空的星門中一起坐在冥想圈中,對我們所收到的一切表示感激,並在新的一年和新的十年啟動我們的上升發展。
在這這1.5小時的冥想中, 參加者將獲得:
- 神恩典的感恩和豐盛, 以支持你的靈性成長;
- 體驗仁愛, 信念,與和諧待料增強振動的能量;
- 神聖的鑰匙(sacred Ki‘s)和神聖之音聲傳輸可擴展您的意識, 提高多重維度的認識 (multi-dimensionality)和能量體(light body);
- 獲得來自高意識存有的神聖資訊;
- 養育更大的愛,豐盈,和諧的流暢和一體的感覺;
- 在安全神聖圈內裡分享所想。
“感嗯是對你神性的承認,這種表達會幫你的生活帶來更多的祝福和豐盛。”〜 李怡然
活動將以引導式冥想進行, 由李怡然(Yvonne Yjemani Li)和她高我的存有中促進和引導能量協調。有關李怡然的更多信息,請資訊www.cosmic-dance.net或訪問她的FB或IG頁面@cosmicdancetoinfinity。
活動能量交易為333元,並以粵語進行,並附帶一些英語術語。研討會將於12月21日(星期六)晚上700時至830在光行著中心 (Lightworker Center)舉行。要進行註冊,請通過Lightworker Center(電話 23660266 或WhatsApp56915837) 聯繫,或者通過infinity999@zoho.com向Yvonne發送電子郵件。
期待與大家告別2019, 迎接最美好和豐滿的2020!
日期: 2019年12月21日(星期六)
時間: 晚上7 – 8:30pm
能量交換: HKD333
地點: 光行者中心, 九龍佐敦道51號利僑大廈7樓701室
報名 : 請致電 (852) 2366 0266 / Whatsapp (852) 5691 5837
Blessings of Gratitude & Abundance Meditation
Over-lighted by Tara, Gwan Yin and Archangel Faith, this guided meditation facilitated by Yvonne Yjemani Li will enable participants to receive the blessings of gratitude and abundance. We will sit together in a meditation circle during the voidal star gate of the winter solstice to express gratitude for all that we have received, and activate the next level of our ascension for the new-year and decade.
In the 1.5 hour guided meditation, we will:
- Receive the divine grace of gratitude and abundance to support your spiritual growth;
- Experience the enhanced vibrational energies of compassion, faith and peace;
- Sacred Ki’s and sounds transmissions to expand your consciousness, multi-dimensionality and light body;
- Divine messages from enlightened beings and divine emissaries;
- Nurturance of greater love, abundance, harmonic flow and oneness in your being;
- Heart sharing within a sacred circle.
This meditation is open to everyone, and we encourage spiritual aspirants of all levels to join. We are calling all those who hear the inner call, to attune to the vibrations of gratitude and spread the frequencies of love, compassion and oneness to assist with awakening other in Hong Kong and bringing heaven to Earth.
“Gratitude is an acknowledgement of your divinity, this expression invites greater blessings and abundance into your life ” ~ Yvonne Yjemani Li
The meditation will take the form of a guided inner journey and energy attunements facilitated and channeled by Yvonne Yjemani Li in connection with her Presence and the enlightened beings. For more information about Yvonne and her offerings, refer to www.cosmic-dance.net or else visit her FB or IG page @cosmicdancetoinfinity.
Abundance exchange HK$333. The workshop will be held at Lightworker Center on Saturday 21st December from 700pm to 830pm and conducted in Cantonese with some English terms. To register, contact Lightworker Center at xxxxx or else email Yvonne at infinity999@zoho.com.
With all my love,