I am deeply honored to have been invited to speak with Anaiya Pistis Sophia for her first Vodcast. Hong Kong has recently been in a lot of international news perhaps for the wrong reasons but there is indeed a divine plan unfolding. The physical manifestations to the higher spiritual perspective is creating changes not only here, but in the region and all over the world. Where violence has descended into chaos, and society has become imbalance, we are now at an injunction of no longer being passive, relying on a future leader or platform to create change. It is up to all of us to claim our power, with the greatest of compassion to recognise the humanity and love within everyone and including ourselves. This includes of course, all those that have been contracted to play out the karma and violence to wake up those who have been complacent for far too long.
I am also very moved, because I felt Anaiya's deep love and that of many others who may not have a vested interest in our city but who have sent their well-wishes, blessings, or better still did the internal work to transmute those discordant energies triggered by recent events of Hong Kong. We thank you, and may these blessings return to you a thousand-fold.
From the ashes, the Phoenix will rise.
All my love, Yvonne