Are we only human with finite time on earth, or are we spiritual beings having a human experience perhaps the truest representation of our experience? If the latter suffice to inspires you, then the questions that matters most are the ones that recognises life and death.
Who am I? Where does my consciousness come from?
What happens when I die? Does my consciousness then cease to exist?
The mysteries of life and one's purpose for being in existence are the questions most people avoid, but actually alludes everyone at the deepest level. The fun is in the journey of self-discovery, mastery and self-actualisation. The more we delve into into questioning our purpose and seeking to understand it from the highest perspective, we will come to realise that all answers not only lies within but that the trivial matters cease to have an effect. The more we recognise ourselves as spiritual energetic beings, the more we claim back our consciousness and expand spiritually.
Our consciousness as the magical wand of universe, is constantly creating magic through the universal mind.
Our level of consciousness relates to the type of experiences we shall have as physical and energetic beings. De-mystifying magic is mastery of the alchemical process of moving energy as a conscious magic wand and participant in shaping one's reality, magic becomes a joyful process of co-creation with the universe.