Workshop: Love for the Rainbow Children
12th December 2018, 7PM - 930PM @PITH
Commissioned by Lord Melchizedek, this channeled workshop will share new information about the rainbow children and the rainbow consciousness. This sharing will reveal the purpose of new rainbow children being seeded to earth, and how one might purposefully interact with these enlightened souls. Understand how the rainbow consciousness acts as a bridge to higher dimensions, and why it is an important next step in mastering your multi-dimensionality.

Date: 7pm – 930pm, Wednesday December 12, 2018
Address: PITH, 11/F, Willie Building, 222 Des Veoux Rd, Sheung Wan
Exchange: HK$333
Commissioned by Lord Melchizedek, this channeled workshop will share new information about the rainbow children and the rainbow consciousness. Rainbow children are the new souls seeded to earth, they act as a bridge to anchor new knowledge and energies following the seeding of indigo and crystal souls. This sharing will reveal the purpose of new rainbow children being seeded to earth, and how one might purposefully interact with these enlightened souls. Understand how the rainbow consciousness acts as a bridge to higher dimensions, and why it is an important next step in mastering your multi-dimensionality. There will be a guided meditation, followed by an activation of your rainbow consciousness that expands your light-body connecting to your super-consciousness.
From this workshop, participants will experience:
* new teaching regarding rainbow children, and the purpose of their incaranation
* understand the importance of rainbow consciousness for anchoring new parts of your multi-dimensionality
* activation of your rainbow body and expansion of your light body
* meditation with sacred sounds to facilitate integation of these new energies
Feel free to bring your favorite crystals so that the rainbow consciousness may be activated and imprinted in your crystals to support ongoing integration.