Audio Available: Sounds of the Universe, 19Dec20 from the Universal Christ Solar Portal

Divine Blessings from the Universal Christ Solar Portal

· Past Events


Thank you everyone for participating in this Sounds of the Universe, may the sacred sounds and divine blessings support you deeply and gracefully.

The audio recording is now available for purchase for those that would like to catch up, please PM for information.

Testimonials from participants:

"Thank you so much and send you much much love and gratitude for this beautiful moment" ~ DM, Switzerland

"Namasté, pour ce flot d;amour lumiere fréquences des geometries sacrees et tous les codes une pluie d'amour toute ma gratitude amour lumière en vos ceur" ~ Zja'kelia, Switzerland

"Profonde gratitude pour cette transmission" ~ EF, France

Online Sacred Sounds Event

Sounds of the Universe

19th December 2020 | 7pm Sydney, 4pm HKT, 9am France

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Yvonne Yjemani Li and Anaan Ysmael Kumara lovingly invites you to another “Sounds of the Universe”, this is a sacred sounds program filled with immersive universal multi-dimensional sound transmissions holding divine frequencies, codes and sacred geometries. The online event takes place on the 19th December, is held within the portal of the New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 14th, and another portal on December 21st that combines the solstice frequencies and the rare frequencies of the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction. The sacred sounds held in the heart of this powerful cosmic event will bring you enlightened frequencies to illuminate your heart and mind for divine Love and Light expansion to take place.

Sacred sounds are very simple yet powerful and beautiful transmissions to receive, allowing the bypassing of the mind and deep connection to one's sacred heart sanctuary while also creating a divine expansion in all your energetic bodies. Unified with December’s powerful cosmic portals, the blessed sound waves you will receive will expand all dimensions of your heart and expand your higher connection to new levels.

Through the Galactic, Celestial and Universal Christ realms of Light, infinite Love and Light emanating from the cosmic portals of December will share divine blessings, enlightened frequencies, geometries and codes to:

  • Support the divine union of your feminine and masculine consciousness.
  • Realign, open, recalibrate and expand your heart chakra.
  • Open your compassionate heart, so that you may embrace this festive season at a time when social interactions may be limited due to covid restrictions.
  • Be supported in the completion of your spiritual journeys in this year of great balance, with the sealing of initiations, to strengthen the grounding of new consciousness and mastery to deepen.
  • Receive abundance of powerful Solar codes of Illumination emanating from the heart of the Solar portal. Master Ra and all the Solar Masters participating in this cosmic event are supporting the divine unification of your heart and mind.

Originally from France, Anaan is an international spiritual teacher and guide living in Asia. He is giving regular enlightened teachings online or in person in Europe, India, Bali or Hong Kong. Yvonne is a creationist and spiritual guide from Hong Kong, her teachings and services are focused on spiritual empowerment and uniting all hearts into the one heart. During this peaceful yet powerful Sounds Of The Universe event, Yvonne and Anaan will further facilitate multi-dimensional transmissions from the heart of their Presences, and from the cosmic portals for deeper enlightened healings, inner journeys and activations to take place.

We look forward to sharing with you the divine blessings consecrating at the end of 2020, and manifest new blessings to support your expansions for 2021.

With all our love,

Yvonne & Anaan

Event Summary: 

Date: 19th December 2020 (Saturday)

Time: Sydney 7pm, Hong Kong 4pm, Bangkok 3pm, Paris 9am (60 minutes) or check for your time here

Language: English and French explanation at the beginning

Price: USD25 per person

Registration: essential via eventbrite link

Connection: zoom details will be sent immediately after registration

Recording: available upon request, email

Preparation: you are welcome to sit up or lie down to receive the sacred sounds. Please join the zoom meeting 5 minutes before the start to settle in.

Closing: we will be closing in silence after the sacred sounds to preserve the sacred space.


Yvonne Yjemani Li is a modern day catalyst, guide, healer and creationist from Hong Kong. For the last 3 years, Yvonne has been working closely with the enlightened realms, sharing knowledge and co-creating with the higher realms on self-mastery, consciousness, and oneness via writings, teachings, and workshops, as well as providing multi-dimensional energy healing and sacred sounds. She has also collaborated and performed with Grammy-award winning musicians and Anaan on sacred sound journeys, and also consciously channels her unique essence of divine love and harmonious flow into her creations. Yvonne has been actively involved in her mission work, with seeding and facilitating the #beloveHK movement, Earth Command, Love Transformation Ceremonies and One Heart meditations regionally and on a planetary level. Refer to for more information.

Anaan Ysmael Kumara is a French spiritual guide, international teacher, and the Divine University’s ambassador for Europe and Asia. For the past 14 years, he is living in direct contact with the Enlightened Masters bringing teachings, workshops, retreats, training and sacred sounds healing sessions to numerous groups and individuals all around the world. He is recognized as the “Keeper of Celestial Heart Gateways of Sound". In service to humanity, his mission is to guide all souls coming onto their sacred path to re-open, liberate and expand their infinite heart, and consciousness on this path of illumination. In service to Gaia, he is seeding divine enlightened frequencies to open and activate sacred sites and portals while also facilitating worldwide pilgrimages. Refer to for more information

Testimonials from previous Sounds of the Universe:

"Thank you very much for such amazing session" ~ MT, Hong Kong

"Divine love to you both. Thanks so much for last night, so divine to be bathed in frequencies.🥰 Lush " ~ KE, Hong Kong

"Gratitude c'est divin" ~ Z, France

'Thank you so much for these beautiful frequencies with both of you Yvonne and Anaan, perfect harmony. It was difficult to come back, I was in a "dream" ....' ~ IM, France

"It’s like you were helping us to clean all the obstacles and barriers between us and the universe, both conscious and physical. We were gently guided and protected by your tender voices and sounds of the crystal balls. Nothing from this earth life does exist and matter anymore. No desires, no greed, no expectation. All emotions once belonging to human beings disappeared. Only the universe left. The infinite, timeless, encompassing universe. And our being. Pure and innocent state of being. No past, no future. No clinging to any objects. We are one." ~ KX

Good venue and atmosphere for meditation. I can fully relax and let the sounds guide me go into meditation. I felt the power of the universe which I believe I have to let go of my fears and follow my heart to pursue what my higher self guides me to achieve. It was relaxing and comfortable after the meditation. ~ S

Such a wonderful, beautiful experience!!! Thank you so much for the invite and for curating the evening. Felt very blessed to attend. ~ RH

Very very relaxing and inspirational. We all enjoyed. ~ PL

Today I saw my osteopath and he said my energy is really strong and that what called his attention was my crown chakra really open and connecting with the universe. I told him about your sacred sounds session and the effect it had on me. It matches his findings! ~ CR

Thank you, Yvonne. I found it very beautiful and grounding. I was surprised by the grounding feeling as other sound healing I need to bring myself back to my body. Your voice was angelic and it was a privilege to be there and I feel so grateful to have your beautiful soul nearby. ~ AR

It was very relaxing and could feel the energy currents running through my body. I could hear Anaan’s overtones also. ~ GS