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One Heart Meditation
A Vision of Unity Consciousness
7th June 2020 | 8pm Sydney, 6pm HKT, 10am London, 6am NY, 10am

From the Heart of Shamballa, the Christ Council of Shamballa invite all members of the Earth Command to come together on the 7th of June 2020 during the full moon eclipse portal to launch the Earth Command which unites lighworkers in love and oneness for planetary missions that supports the ascension of Earth and humanity’s evolution, as well as co-create visions of a global community living with the principles of unity consciousness. Refer to the Earth Command via the blog link.
This is a meditation that will invoke through prayers, sounds, visualisations and the activation of a group merkaba to hold the Earth Command community in love, faith, peace, and service so that the highest frequencies, transmissions and information may be shared with ease and grace in the group. At the same time, we will be transmitting our unified frequencies of love and peace into the collective heart and collective mind of humanity for this full moon eclipse has been triggering the shadow aspects that still lay within. We will be transmitting love vibrations for humanity to be able to release and to experience shifts in their being, to be able to hold more love and light for there is indeed signifiant collective wounds that have acumulated due to the virus and lock down, and wounds that have open due to the prejudice they are experiencing as activism rise. We will be releasing these wounds beloveds through our being and through the collective psychic and astral realms.
We will then create a new vision of togetherness, of oneness and of community where people come together in harmony, and a community that above respects, value, hears and love all beings. These are the visions that we will create and hold on this day, and we invitie all who hears the heart call to co-create the vision of being united in love. If you are only united in the light but not balanced in love, there can also be imbalances for too much light will trigger disharmonious energies. When there is light balanced with love, any proactive action, any activism, or any service will be in the highest for all beings for it will come from a place of compassionate wisdom, selflessness, and of cohesion. This is the pathway for humanity to move towards group consciousness, to experience Christ within, to release all that is shadow and to come to a place of mastery where they are no longer contributing any discordant energies, they are being mindful of their actions of their words and to then come into the group heart and the group mind.
We say you are on the cusp of great peace, of great changes upon the Earth that will transform the way you live, the way you interact with the Earth and with one another. We say that to be stand strong in your core is to hold the sacred space of love and light for your fellow community so that as they open their consciousenss they are also held in love, thus allowing them to feel safe to accept the new paradigm wholeheartedly.
We look forward to co-creating and amplifying these golden visions with you. Blessed be.
Lord Sanada on behalf of the Council of 12 over-lighting the Earth Command
Facilitated by Yvonne Yjemani Li
Date: 7th June 2020
Time: 8pm Sydney, 6pm Hong Kong, 10am London, 6am New York (1.5 hours)
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Recordings: available for those who cannot join the live webinar, email
Exchange: From our hearts to yours