It was a very blessed ceremony with many blessings and dispensations to support humanity to consolidate 2020's Love Transformation expansion as well as support 2021's opening to new energies.
PM for the recording to
With all our love,
Year End Meditation
Love Transformation Full Moon Ceremony
30th December 2020
Sydney 1030pm, Hong Kong 730pm, London 1130am, New York 630am
The monthly meditation ceremonies Love Transformation comes from the Holy Mother, the Celestial Mothers, Ashtar Command, and the Family of Light, enabling greater love, healing frequencies and divine dispensations to support the upliftment of Earth and Humanity. These dispensations come on the wings of Celestial Love, from the Celestial Mothers with the support of the Lunar Mothers and the Ancient Mother Portal Guardians, and they create for divine dispensations to be released from the New Earth via the sacred sites and portals of the Earth. It is through the higher octaves of love that supports Gaia’s heart, to further open humanity’s heart to be able to receive more light and consciousness that is coming to Earth to support their ascension at this time of great changes.
In the coming month, the full moon ceremony following the Solstice is a consecration to hold the new Octaves of Love that have opened for the collective and Mother Earth for the year. This supports the stabilization of higher energies that illuminates the heart and mind, it supports each person to expand to the highest potential through the great cosmic portals of December that has brought in big influxes of energies not experienced before on Earth. As old energies of feminine disempowerment dissolve giving rise to the divine feminine, the new influx of energies coming in great waves to the Earth will open for the divine masculine leading to a new way of balance and unity consciousness for the planet that will bless the new year.
The divine dispensations that will be shared in the coming full moon ceremony include:
- Celestial Mothers will bring through a Wave of Love in the form of a Wheel of Love to support humanity to anchor more love into their hearts.
- Unicorn Mothers will bring through a Wheel of Light to support activation of the Higher Mind and will bring more light from their Higher Mind through other chakras into the heart.
- Dispensation of a Wheel of Faith from the Mothers of Faith to support unification of more love and light within a being.
- An Empowerment of the Heart will bring through the activation and consecration of the Holy Spirit dispensation, to support the unified and sacred nature of the heart expanding through all the Love Transformation dispensations brought through from each month.
- A dispensation of Unity and Oneness to support the energy structures of the Earth to harmonise and connect, creating for the Earth chakras and consciousness to unit that supports the collective to work together in unity consciousness, and to evolve to a consciousness of oneness.
- A deep lifting of servitude and slavery, Freedom and Liberation dispensation to release the energy body of humanity so that each Soul can expand freely, shine brightly and become the starry consciousness as the divine expression of humanity.
- A Forgiveness dispensation for humanity to come from the Mother Portal Guardians to lift ancient stories of disharmonies and wars, as the collective let go of the guilt and the shame of how they may have been perpetrated creates for them to shut down their divinity.
- An Elixir of Divine Grace from the Holy Mother for the Souls that will be alone for the holidays this year, supporting all to open their hearts and minds to all the other dispensations that are opening for humanity at year end.
- Opening of the 5th Dimensional Grids of the Earth to its highest potential, for the assimilation and the transition of humanity into the 5D consciousness to be more graceful with the assistance of the Angelic and Christ Commands, and Ancient Mother Portal guardians.
- Expansion of an Inner Earth Temple of Love from Mother / Father God, this supports Mother Earth to amplify and be a deeper container of love, as she holds all souls on Earth to transition to higher frequencies of the New Earth.
- Dispensation of Unity Consciousness gifted from all the Commands, to support humanity to see that they are deeply connected to other sentient life, creating for a balanced relationship to other kingdoms of the Earth.
We call to all souls who resonate to this message to join us in sacred circle, to be the Earth Emissaries to co-create with us these blessed experiences of Holy Mother’s love in support of all beings, and all kingdoms of the Earth. This is as we move into the New Earth, the collective co-creation of the many realms in order to bring about Heaven on Earth.
We look forward to being with you, and we thank you for your love and participation.
With all our love,
Holy Mother, Celestial Mother, Ashtar Command and the Family of Light
Organised and Facilitated by Amakelia, El’mara and Yjemani
Event Details
Date: 30th December 2020
Time: Sydney 1030pm, Hong Kong 730pm, London 1130am, New York 630am (2 hours)
Registration: required via the eventbrite link
Connection: zoom meeting details will be sent immediately after registration
Recordings: recordings will be sent to all who register or else request via
Facilitator Bios
Yvonne Yjemani Li is a multi-dimensional being - a spiritual guide, catalyst, healer and creationist in the modern-day world. A multi-dimensional combination of love and light that opens doors for others so that they may access greater love, consciousness, the gift of flow, and harmonic balance. Yvonne has been co-creating with the enlightened realms, sharing insights on self-mastery, consciousness, and oneness via writings, private sessions, group workshops and channeling universal healing from multi-dimensional realms. She has also collaborated and performed with grammy-award winning musicians and sound healers on sacred sound journeys, as well as consciously channels her unique frequency of divine love, consciousness, and essence into her creative artwork. Refer to Yvonnes website at
Katherine El’mara Lucas is an energy healer, activator, akashic record reader and channeller. Her desire to live a joyful and empowered life led her along a spiritual journey of transformation and self-discovery that has spanned over two decades. Katherine is passionate about spreading the message of love and faith and assisting others to empower themselves so they too can open their hearts to rediscover their own divine true self. Katherine uses a high frequency healing system called the Tablets of Faith, akashic record readings and uses light sacred sound singing, in her sessions, to help shift energies within the mind, body and soul. She provides unconditional love and compassion and works with ascended masters and the angelic realms to channel guidance to assist others on their healing journey. Katherine El’mara is a certified Counsellor of Light and a Mentor of The Divine University.
Amakelia Zje’vara Kumara has a deep love of transformation and growth and loves to empower others to move more into their experience of divine connection and wholeness, to experience more of their consciousness and access their gifts and mastery in a deeper way. She works with the higher spiritual realms to support others through her gifts of Seership, Akashic Record Keeper and as a Divine Channel of ceremonies, healing, teaching, channeling ascended beings from the Holy Mother to Enlightened Masters. Amakelia’s special love is to support Mother Earth and all beings through these ascension times, through ceremony and bringing through dispensations that bring liberation and balance, to bring God’s ease and grace to this journey. She has been on a deep spiritual path for 30 years, offering personal healing sessions, group channeling and ceremonies, and bringing groups to the land to open their multidimensional connection to Mother Earth. Amakelia has trained with Qala Sri Ama Phoenix for many years and is a Mentor of the Divine University.