Heart Awakening & Empowerment
an online mastery program growing for kids & teens
Level 1 begins 19 January 2021

Program Description
The Heart Awakening & Empowerment program is a 12-weeks online course that supports budding kids and teens to gain self-awareness and mastery, as well as acquire skills to build their confidence and empowerment. When a child is confident and empowered, their creativity and passion is unleashed to support their potential and fulfilment in life.
Through teachings on self-management and mastery, the Heart Awakening & Empowerment program will share techniques that will support students to be in greater acceptance of changes that occur to their body, mind and emotions. The program also encourages self-reflections, there will also be group discussions to support greater clarity of the common experiences of growing up. There will also be different guided meditations as the practicum to the theory, to support the young participants to calm and tame their minds, to honor and transform their emotions, and strengthen their resolve in their personal and school life. The meditations will also support students to come back to balance if they have become off-centered, and to experience greater love, peace, receptivity and connection.
This is an all encompassing first level training for growing kids and teens, the twelve weeks reinforces their understanding of the teachings and adaptations of various mindfulness and mastery techniques. Each week’s class will also build upon the previous week’s understanding, every class will include 15 minutes of teaching, 15 minutes of discussion and practice, followed by a guided meditation. For participants who are not able to join live, they can catch up with the recording and the class notes that will be posted shortly after the session. The program is offered for 3 age groups, and the context of the teachings and discussions will be tailored accordingly to the age group in a dynamic and engaging way.

The 12-weeks Hearts Awakening & Empowerment program will cover the topics below, and support our young participants with:
Week 1 – Love is All There is
Opening our heart to the Love that is everywhere.
Week 2 – Self Love
Loving and nuturing ourself with Love. Awakening to the power of our heart, and staying heart centered.
Week 3 – Love for All Beings
Interacting with the world with Love.
Week 4 – Having Faith
Accepting and empowering ourself with Faith.
Week 5 – Staying in the Light
Awareness of how different energies affect our Energy and Light. Learn how to deal with life challenges with positivity.
Week 6 – Expanding our Light
Cultivating positive thoughts, emotions and behavior that expands our Light.
Week 7 – Being Empowered
Returning to a state of Love and Peace through Acceptance. Learn how to move forward with Courage from a place of Resilience.
Week 8 - Cultivating a Healthy Physical Body
The behaviors and actions that lead to a healthy body and more physical energy.
Week 9 – Healthy Awareness and Emotions
Honoring our emotions and not giving our power to fears. Learn how the energy of positive or negative emotions can impact our emotional health, outlook and experience.
Week 10 – A Positive Mind, a Healthy Mind
Learning how our mental energy, the mastery of our thoughts and monkey mind can create positive mental health, outlook and experience.
Week 11 – How to Stay in the most Positive Energy
Learning to recognise our energy levels. We can always stay in the most positive energies when we are aware of how external sources such as the environment, objects or persons can affect our energy.
Week 12 – Being the Best You can be
Using both left and right hemispheres of our brain, the the logical mind and the creative mind working in unison supports our intelligence, consciousness and confidence to grow. Bringing it all together, understand our whole energy system in relation our health, positivity, resilience and empowerment.
Program Details
This program is offered to three different age groups, do refer below for the correct dates, times and price.
Age Groups:
- Group A: Age 7 to 9, max 6 kids
- Group B: Age 10 to 12, max 6 kids
- Group C: Age 13 to 15, max 6 kids
Program Dates:
- Group A, every Tuesday, beginning on the 19th January 2021 and ending on 6th April 2021
- Group B, every Thursday, beginning on the 21st January 2021 and ending on 8th April 2021
- Group C, every Saturday, beginning on the 23rd January 2021 and ending on 10th April 2021
Program Time:
- Group A, every Tuesday 500-600pm Hong Kong time for 60 minutes
- Group B, every Thursday 530-645pm Hong Kong time for 75 minutes
- Group C, every Saturday 900-1030am Hong Kong time for 90 minutes
- Please convert to your timezone via
Program Price:
- Group A: USD200 per person
- Group B: USD220 per person
- Group C: USD240 per person
- Payment via eventbrite
- Receipts are available on request from One Heart International, send email to yvonneyjemani@cosmic-dance.net
Event Registration:
- Please register via eventbrite
link or copy into browser https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/heart-awakening-empowerment-program-for-kids-teens-tickets-126824825467
- Do register with the student's name with an email that your child frequently uses or else the parent can access, there will be notices and weekly recordings sent to this registered email
- All class information and connection details will be sent via email after registration
- For any other enquiries, please email
- If these schedules do not work but you are interested in this program for our kids. Please email yvonneyjemani@cosmic-dance.net and let me know.
- If you can find a group of 6 kids you know, we can offer this program at a time convenient for everyone.
Facilitator Bio
The Heart Awakening & Empowerment Program is created in association with the Council of One Heart and facilitated by Yvonne Yjemani Li. Yvonne is an experienced meditator, spiritual guide and teacher, she is delighted to offer an acceleration program for kids and youths from her heart and Presence to support them to express their greatest potential. She is also the mother of a 10 year old daughter called Sophia.
Yvonne is a multi-dimensional combination of love, and light that opens doors for others so that they may access greater love, consciousness, divinity, creativity and harmonic flow. Yvonne co-creates with the Council of One Heart, sharing insights on self-mastery, superconsciousness, and oneness via writings, and videos. She also channels teachings and universal healing in private sessions, group meditations and workshops. Yvonne has also collaborated and performed with grammy-award winning musicians and sound healers on sacred sound journeys, as well as consciously shares her unique frequency of divine love, and essence into her creations. As the original spark that initiated the #beloveHK movement, she has produced, and facilitated the co-creation and collaboration of more than 100 souls from the spiritual community resulting in new consciousness grid development, marathon meditations and the Be Love Festival in Hong Kong. Other offerings of Yvonne’s that supports planetary service and collective consciousness includes the One Heart meditations, and co-creating with others on the Love Transformation full moon meditations.
Yvonne has held a number of roles in the social innovation industry and healthcare professional roles prior to fully stepping forward in her spiritual mission. While she was working as a finance and investment professional in investment banking, she felt a much bigger calling to serve all people and the planet rather than the selective few. Through her pioneering work in impact investing in Asia, she was able to pinpoint the needs of the nascent long-term care industry and create a community of industry leaders through sharing best practices in China. A healthcare industry professional serving as consultant to key governments in Greater China and international development agencies, Yvonne has influenced major policies and project designs that support a higher quality, holistic development and innovation of the healthcare and long term care industry.
For the past 30 years, Yvonne has pursued her philosophical, spiritual and holistic practices as her self-development. She now happily supports others in a variety of modalities enabling integration of the practices that is in the highest per the client’s Presence, to advance one’s self-mastery and ascension, as well as enhances one’s well-being.
Yvonne's Message
In collaboration with and overlighted by the Council of One Heart, I'm delighted to offer this program that is very close to my heart for budding kids and teens. What they don't teach you in formal education, the self-awareness, and the life mastery skills to support kids and teens to be confident is what we are bringing in the first level of the The Heart Awakening and Empowerment program.
I have witnessed the strong influence of media, technology and peers on my daughter. Kids and youths are growing up very fast and many are majorly influenced in the era of gaming, pop music, social media, influencers culture, reality shows, news, and movies which is further exacerbated by a lot of screen time due to recent home based learning and travel restrictions.
From the age of 7, their ego personality and individuality starts to form. It is especially important for our kids from that age on to be guided to have self awareness of their bodies, emotions and mind, as well as to comprehend the changing world around them. When they have strong self awareness, not only as the personality but all parts of their consciousness they will be much more empowered and confident to share their soul's gifts and creativity.
New children for the creation of New Earth as new Souls are of higher vibrations, they have incarnated at a time of great changes. If children are loved, respected and supported as they are growing, they will not have their energy body shut down during their schooling and formative years and they will not have to spend time opening back up like most light-workers did. Children are like the seeds of our future, as we plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom, they may continue to express and co-create magic for they will know God consciousness early.
The Oxford Dictionary defines empowerment of children as “the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights”. To empower children is to guide them to feel valued, capable and to realise they play the role of creator in their own lives and futures.
“The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation.”
~ Ray L. Wilbur, third president of Stanford University
We have already piloted a similar program with several groups of kids and found the kids to be resilient and easily return to innocence if they are guided lovingly to the light. The kids especially enjoyed the meditations, as it helps them to come back to their centre. Awareness of their energy and what influences their energy is key for our children, and with practice over a longer period the awareness as well as the skills to mastery is retained so that they can be applied more readily.
We've personally had the benefit of having mindfulness, and spirituality support us from the age of 13 which has not only guided us in challenging times but also kept us on the path of love, wisdom and excellence. On the inner planes, we have also worked with the divine unity of the children over and over, bringing in their innocence, their co-creation of their mastery of their god consciousness and opening up their soul purposes and spiritual initiation at extremely early age.
Looking forward to connecting with your younglings as their loving guide.
With all my love,