Had sublime weather, sunset skies and full moon yesterday to accompany the Lemurian Emerald Temple workshop. The pics do speak for themselves, we give thanks for a wonderful day that was woven together beautifully.
Thanks Grace Shemaya for co-creating the sound healing with your delightful Lyre. Thanks everyone who came along to Lantau to co-create the amplification of the Fifth Sacred Ray.
Recordings are now available also, PM to enquire.
"Thank you Yvonne for organising and leading - the combined energies throughout the workshop for me I felt were were very healing and powerful both individually and collectively." ~ AT, Hong Kong
"Thank you Yvonne and Grace and Everyone! It was really extremely lovely. Such a wonderful day woven together amazingly." ~ PM, Hong Kong

An outdoor workshop
Lemurian Emerald Temple
31st October 2020, 400pm – 630pm
Hong Kong Lantau Lower Cheung Sha Beach

Channelled Message and Invitation:
Beloved ones,
We are the Lemurian High Council, with the Chohan and ArchAngel of the Fifth Ray Lord Hilarion and AA Raphael. We invite you to join us in a workshop to connect to Lemurain energies and the Emerald Temple of Light held in Lautau Hong Kong coinciding with the full moon of October 31st 2020.
The program consists of two parts.
Firstly there will be a sound healing with healing transmissions by the Lemurian Priestesses to let go of discordant energies held in your being. You will also be recalibrated to the full moon energies, to support you to ride the next month with ease and grace. There will also be activations to open your connections to Lemuria, this will assist you to be receptive to Lemurian energies, and to the Emerald Temple of Light. Yvonne Yjemani Li will be sharing sacred sounds from her Presence and channeling the Lemurians energies, while Grace Shemaya will play the beautiful Starseed Lyre against the background of the gentle ocean waves. This will be a soothing sound healing to assist you to experience greater levels of love, peace, and harmony on all levels of your being.
The second part of the program consists of a guided meditation that will be facilitated and channeled by Yvonne, and overlighted by Lord Hilarion and AA Raphael. You will be connecting to the Emerald Temple of Light and connecting with the frequencies of the Emerald Ray which creates for harmonic balance and harmonic flow to be experienced. The Fifth Ray is one of the seven sacred rays, also known as the Ray of Harmonic Science it supports higher truths to be experienced and healing through returning to harmonic balance upon its activation. Participants will receive divine dispensations of the Fifth Ray of healing and truth, this will enhance the harmony and flow that one can experience in their personal, social and spiritual life.
The New Earth requires all sentient beings to live in balance with one another, to cherish and honor our interconnectedness. The Lemurians lived in great harmony with the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. Due to their loving and harmonious relationships, all life flourished and experienced abundance. The Emerald Temple was first created by the Lemurians to support this sacred ray, to hold and share its healing and balancing energies in support of all beings. The Emerald Temple and its energies of healing and truth is needing to be amplified now to hasten the great balance and herald in the New Earth. We are also calling to the light-workers who hear the heart call and those who may have special mastery with the Emerald Temple of Light to join us, to assist with their ki’s, and codes the expansion of the sacred 5th Ray. The amplification of the this ray will benefit Hong Kong, the region and all over the world, for all beings to experience greater balance, flow, love and abundance.
This is an event held outdoors for where you are meeting is a very special location that supports this workshop and your connection. We invite you to commune with your heart, and to join us in this co-creation if this resonates. We give thanks, and we look forward to communing with you on the inner planes. Blessed be.
Blessings of harmonic balance and our love,
Overlighted by the Lemurian High Council, Lord Hilarion, Archangel Raphael
Organised and Facilitated by Yvonne Yjemani Li
Event Details:
Event Name: Lemurian Emerald Temple
Facilitators: Yvonne Yjemani Li (sacred sounds, guided meditation), and Grace Shemaya (playing Starseed Lyra)
Date: Saturday, 31st October 2020
Time: 400PM – 630PM
Energy Exchange: HK$444 payable via payme to 91304419 or else contact Yvonne for bank account details.
Registration: make payment and email
Logistics Matters: all directions, map and other logistical matters will be emailed upon registration.
Enquiries: please forward your enquiries to Yvonne's email
Facilitator Bios:
Yvonne Yjemani Li
A spiritual guide, catalyst, healer and creationist in the modern-day world. Yvonne is a multi-dimensional combination of love and light that opens doors for other Souls so that they may access greater love, consciousness, divinity, the gift of flow, and harmonic balance. Yvonne co-creates with the enlightened realms, sharing insights on self-mastery, consciousness, and oneness via writings, private sessions, group workshops, and channels universal energies and Source info. She has also collaborated and performed with grammy-award winning musicians and sound healers on sacred sound journeys, as well as consciously channels her unique frequency of divine love, and essence into her creative artwork.
Yvonne’s celebration of the fifth ray, and the healing temples of light have always been with her. It is the gift of a creationist, who opens the doors of great abundance, whether it be love, the virtue of consciousness, the successive gift of flow are part of Yvonne’s higher life purpose. Yvonne is delighted co-create the Lemurian Emerald Temple workshop through the gifts of her Presence and facilitate divine dispensations from the Family of Light. Refer to Yvonne’s website at for more information.
Grace Shemaya
A starseed, a seeker of beauty and wonder.
Grace plays the Starseed Lyre, her Lyre is built from a 90-year-old cherry tree created during the New Moon. She looks forward to bringing you soothing frequencies that help you tune into the Lemurian energy and remember your connection to the universe.