The total solar eclipse of August 21-22 falling on the sign of Leo connects earth to the moon, the sun and the great central sun in Sirius constellation. Coupled with the new moon, it is a reset point of great proportion. The period during, before and after is a highly opportune time to dream a new golden eRA of life into creation that elevates individual and collective consciousness.
The momentary darkness, is a moment of high spiritual awakening, when due to the auspicious event, everyone across the globe will focus on the light, with a momentary darkness and then returns back to the light. The sun representing light also signifies our ego temporarily entering darkness, the total eclipse reveals our deeper more hidden self (our Soul) under the light of the moon and ultimately returns to the light in more splendour (our Higher Self).
"Lunar eclipses are particularly helpful for manifesting changes in the individual, while solar eclipses are great opportunities to manifest changes not only of the individual but also for the collective."
The effects of the 2017 solar eclipse will have a 6 month effect and its effects will unfold as part of a much bigger journey of expanded consciousness. At times it will be intense, but overall it will inspire transformation, new beginnings and changes.
Take time to honor who you are, without judgement and in full acceptance of yourself. Know thyself, what you really want, not for the sake of others but that elevates your consciousness. Meanwhile, dream and hold the vision of a loving, sustainable and harmonious planet will anchor these traits into earth's time line and bring it forward from the future.