Violet Flame Pillar Activation Australia Updates

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Violet Flame Pillars Activation 

Sydney, New South Wales 

With immense thanks to Rasmikka Sheehan for activating a Violet Flame Pillar at the McKell Park in Sydney on 23 September 2021.  

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"I buried your beautiful amethysts in ceremony with Mother Earth this morning in McKell Park for the purpose of the restoration and rejuvenation of the Feminine Grids lines in the Mother Earths body to unite and awaken within the hearts of all of humanity as it is for their highest, their feminine power, in Oneness with their Masculine. As a bridge of light to unite the masculine and feminine within all beings to anchor Peace on Earth for our generation and all future generations to birth on the Earth as they awaken and align with and walk in Oneness with Mother  Earth and All Beings. 

The ceremony was divine and full of wonderful surprises. The concentric circles were created from the top all the way down into the Mother’s body and morphed into the trinity of the masculine and feminine and the tree root the bridge of unity.  This morning I am sitting with it as the sense of Peace is beautiful. Spirit guided me keep it simple and subtle so it may ground  and support all those who come and sit, picnic and celebrate in this reserve portal."  ~ Rasmikka 

Bryon Bay, New South Wales 

With immense gratitude to Rama Qu’Eshaan Raphael and Kaliana Rose Raphael for activating a Violet Flame Pillar in Corabell in the ridge above Bryon Bay, New South Wales on 25 September 2021. 

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"We are tucked under the trees, and the weather is getting warmer. Where we have placed your crystals is a spot that we have wanted to for a while, to place a table, chair and altar. I'm very glad it is being placed here.

And I experienced during the meditation for we are part of building the Elohim gateway over many years and I felt a connection through the songlines, of this grid to the Elohim gateway. And I have been anchoring over this portal the 13 Magdalene codes, and it feels very beautiful this violet flame pillar is activated through my embodiment of the Magdalene journey journey over 13 weeks. 

Rama has also grounded into the pillar here the Jeshua Codes and will be holding his School of Sacred Masculine here. So the Magdalene and Jeshua code portals are here in union with this amethyst pillar.

The last time we did a planetary gateway meditation we were guided to work with the line that runs from the gateway to Bryon Bay to Pacific Bay Ocean and this property is on that line. This little amethyst altar is on that line, it's a very watery line and it's directly on that line that flows from that Elohim gateway through this property through to the oceans. 

Blessed it be the violet flame. 

We felt the dragons with us, as they will be the guardians of this portal which is also a inner earth portal. 

I felt a very vibrant radiant violet pyramid on top of the grass where the cricle of crystals is." ~ Rama & Kaliana Raphael

For more about Kaliana Rose Raphael's sacred feminine & healing work, sacred codes and essences; refer to

For more about Rama Raphael's sacred masculine work, refer to