Empowerment of the Year 2020 & the Golden Decade
12th January 2020 | 1PM - 5PM | Lightworker Center, Hong Kong
Long distance audio also available
2020 marks the beginning of a golden decade, and between the window of 9th to 13th of January is a highly auspicious portal with significant astrological alignments to set the highest intentions and energetic foundations for the empowerment of the new year and decade. The 10th January is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse while the 12th is the rare Saturn-Plato conjunction as well as Saturn, Mars and the Moon in Capricorn that connects the solar umbilical cord from the heavens (via the Sun) to the Earth (via the Uluru portal) activating the Christed New Earth. Earth has already shifted into the fifth dimension since last year, the coming golden decade will empower humanity to move into fifth dimension also. Humanity will have to open to greater energies and consciousness, and need to vibrate higher in order to match that of Gaia's vibrations. After one re-establishs your divine sovereignty as a spiritual being, this will then assist you and the collective to come into unconditional love, the very teachings and energies of Christ.
2020 is the mastery number year of 22, meanwhile it will be supported by the unified field of Source to empower everyone into the next golden decade of greater love, light and unity consciousness. This workshop facilitated and channeled by Yvonne Yjemani Li, it will also be over-lighted by Christed beings and the Council of One Heart to support participants with teachings, meditations, sacred sounds, energy attunements, and mastery tools for the next golden decade.
* Christ consciousness energies to come into greater love and oneness;
* the Sun in your hearts to lift all illusions, and realise the greater truths of your infinite beingness;
* the qualities of peace, creation and abundance to support any balancing and expansion;
* integration of unresolved energies and completion of old soul contracts;
* clarity of your soul purpose for 2020 and beyond;
* light language transmissions and sacred ki’s to activate new gifts and light body;
* synthesis of all levels of your beings to heighten your multi-dimensionality and support your spiritual growth;
* divine messages from enlightened beings ad divine emissiaries;
* nurturance of greater harmony and flow in your daily life; and
* sharing within a sacred circle.
“Your inner core radiates as the Sun, shining a powerful light on all illusions and distortions. As you liberate from these limitations with love, you come into the truth and sovereignty as an infinite being.” ~ Yvonne Yjemani Li
This workshop will be facilitated in English, and it is suited to all levels of spiritual initiates. The abundance exchange is HK$888 per person. It will be held at The Lightworker Center on the 12th January. Registration is essential, contact Yvonne at infinity999@zoho.com or else telephone 23660266 / WhatsApp 56915837.
The long-distance audio version will also be available after the workshop, the abundance exchange will be US$135 payable via paypal.
For more information about Yvonne, refer to her bio below. Do also visit www.cosmic-dance.net or refer to FB / IG @cosmicdancetoinfinity for her regular sharings.
In-Person Details
Date: 12th January 2020
Time: 1PM - 530PM
Venue: The Lightworker Center, Jordan, RM 701, Lee Kiu Building, 51 Jordan Road, Jordan, Kowloon
Exchange: HK$888
Register: Call 23660266 / WhatsApp 56915837
Long-Disatance Audio Details
Please register with infinity999@zoho.com, we will send the audio files after the workshop. Energy Exchange is US$135, via paypal to liyvonne78@hotmail.com.
Yvonne Yjemani Li is a multi-dimensional being - a spiritual guide, catalyst, healer and creationist in the modern day world.
For the past 20 years, Yvonne has also pursued her philosophical, spiritual and holistic practices, and now supports others in a variety of modalities enabling integration of the best-of-class practices that advances one’s self-mastery and spiritual growth, as well as enhances one’s well-being. From Yvonne’s heart to her travels to the infinite universe, it has activated a remembrance of her Soul's gifts and planetary mission. Combining the heart of the healer, a creation scientist and the enlightened mind, Yvonne is a multi-dimensional combination of love and light that opens doors for others so that they may access greater love, consciousness, harmonic balance and gift of oneness. For the last 4 years Yvonne has been co-creating with the enlightened realms, sharing insights on self-mastery, consciousness and oneness via writings, private sessions, group workshops and channeling universal healing from multi-dimensional realms. She has also collaborated and performed with grammy-award winning musicians and sound healers on sacred sound journeys, as well as consciously channels her unique frequency of divine love, consciousness, and essence into her creative artwork.
In September 2019 Yvonne was guided to initate the consciousness co-creation source portal that is Hong Kong, to support the wider community to move forward despite different views expressed during the recent conflict and violence. As the original spark that initiated the #beloveHK movement, she has been facilitating the co-creation and collaboration of more than 100 souls from the spiritual & wellness community resulting in new consciousness grid development, marathon meditations and the Be Love Festival that saw around 1000 people participate in the one day wellness event.