September 2021 Newsletter
Embracing your Light and Experiencing Oneness through your Source Connection
Greetings Beloved Hearts,
We lovingly greet you, and we are pulsating Oneness and transmitting Love from our Source connection to you now.
Each beloved is able to experience this Source connection, access the never-ending abundant energy, consciousness, and creation power that enables the collaboration and expression of their God nature. The Source energy is distinct but also familiar, for there is a feeling is as if you have come home. In addition to the Love, there is also Joy, Bliss, as well as the Peace and Awareness in unison present in your Source connection. The Presence of being aware, and the awareness of the Presence as the life force that supports all and governs all life is marvellous and sublime.
The Presence or God force is particularly prominent now, it has been unfurling in great potency supporting Mother Earth, all kingdoms, and all souls to connect more deeply with their Presence. In addition, the God force or Presence in such great volumes creates the necessary collective shifts as it awakens the divinity in all beings. And when this is awakened for a beloved, the veils dissolves, the separation becomes a momentary lapse, and all returns to Oneness. There is unity of God consciousness, and the moment of profound divine connection of the Holy Spirit in others.

Indeed there are many energies present in the month of September that is preparing for the higher octaves of light to be received during the full moon and equinox portal this week. The September energies have been lifting, revealing, and presenting the truth of separation as the absence of love, divinity and oneness. It has been creating for humanity and light-workers to experience intensity so that the separation may be given loving attention, forgiven, for these energetic distortions to be lifted from one's energy body and the collective heart through conscious healing or higher divine co-creation.
While the September ascension energies has been working on the heart of humanity, particularly the heart that is separate from the Light. The support of the ascension energies in this month after months of tremendous Light upgrades, is at its highest potential when you are still, communing in the heart, opening to your Presence, and embracing oneness through your God connection. Humanity is being empowered by the balancing energies of the lunar energies, the solar energies and Source codes for transformation and divinity held within the full moon and equinox portal, opening the doorway for many to ascend and for many to step up into new octaves of Love and Light.

The September equinox energies is infused by the heart dream of Gaia, for her children, all beings and all kingdoms to release separation and experience Oneness. As we ride into the last quarter of the year, much can be balanced by being conscious of your egoic nature and the lower mind use of the Light without the accompaniment of Love. Furthermore higher dimensional co-creation with the heart-mind union collaborating with your Superconsciousness, and embracing the WE as opposed to the I is the path of New Earth living.
Many factors at play, and the doorway to the light transformations taking place this September equinox continues in an accelerated manner for the rest of the year. This is the intensity that some may are experiencing through the planetary and starry celestial alignments, creating for changes on Earth. In view of all this, it is an enormous opportunity for beloveds who are focused on their ascension to embrace more of your Light, allow the Illumination of your Superconsciousness to guide you, and commune with your Presence as it also invites for more En-lightening moments to occur in these coming months of New Earth ascension energies.
The building of your light quotient, activating your gifts of the Light, and the sharing of your Divine Light as the focus of your ascension is lovingly supported by Gaia, in collaboration with the Family of Light this equinox and for the remainder of the year. We invite you to also consider the many opportunities below that supports the embracing of your Light and co-creation of your Divine Light with other Light-workers to balance the collective Light for the New Earth.
Embracing Your Light
Sounds of the Universe Equinox, 23 September, last chance to sign up for Live Session or Recording
Divine Light, Illumination & Enlightenment Online Retreat and Retreat-at-Home Program, second session on 26 September or catch up via the recordings
The first session focused on the Embracing of your Light, was received most wonderfully by all participants. The second livestream session Illuminating your Superconsciousness will take place on 26 September, with the third session Enlightenment of your Presence to take place on 3 October. Participants have found the attunements, meditations and core teachings to be wonderfully powerful and profound. There is a retreat-at-home program that offers many activities for you to design and follow in accordance your needs. The retreat and program can be referred to here, do not miss out on this opportunity to join in this accelerated program for accessing and anchoring your unique Light.
Seed New Earth Visions Together
Co-create the Light Transformation Full Moon Ceremonies
We invite you to the Light Transformation ceremonies to facilitate higher octaves of Celestial Light and blessed dispensations to anchor for the New Earth, New Humans, and New Kingdoms. You are most welcomed to join us for the recent Light Transformation ceremony from 21 September, send email to The next Light Transformation full moon ceremony takes place on or around the 22 October, we shall send details closer to the time.