Deeply grateful for the cocreation with Sjamirra, El'mara and the family that joined in the One Heart. From Source, Divine Mother and Christed Realms there was personal and collective healing, and many codes was received and activated. Every participant was also empowered with a healing team to further support Virus or Gaia healing going forth.
The recording can be accessed from below, thank you for your loving heart and support in answering the clarion call to be of service at this incredible time. Blessed be.
Access recording from here and refer below to the crystal alter for the meditation.

All my love,
Global Meditation
Earth Healing & Humanity Empowerment
21st March 2020
10PM Hong Kong, 7AM San Francisco, 2PM London

We are offering this meditation to the global community of light workers, for all those who hear the heart resonance to join in the One Heart, to be connected to the Teams of Light and the Councils of Love during the powerful equinox to receive the frequencies and codes from Source via the Great Central Sun. During this meditation, participants and their families will be offered healing of their fears and any energy imprints from the Coronavirus. There will also be collective healing. And we are asking for Earth emissaries in every continent and in as many countries as possible to come together so that they may be the embodied pillar of light and pillar of love to hold space for others in their country and in their region, to assist with the shifting and lifting of the collective fears from the psyche of humanity as well as the lifting and clearing of all programs and fears around the unknown, towards change and towards the lack of abundance.
We wish to provide support around the fears of stability, security, financial support - we understand that these are very real concerns - and support and love for the vulnerable, compassion for those fearing for their lives, the lives of others, the grief that may be held for those that are suffering. We will be bringing through codes of love to support the hearts of all beings on earth, bringing through more love, more comfort, more faith.
This virus cannot be neutralised. It must be embraced with love, not seen as separate, not feared. For it is our own co-creation. All have contributed to the co-creation of this virus and its spread upon earth.
One must embrace, not reject.
One must love, not be of fear.
One must take responsibility for empowerment.
One must hold faith in the divine plan, trusting all is well despite the storm going on outside.
We will also be working with the Earth, the mineral kingdoms, and the inner earth. There is much to come through the Earth, that can anchor into all of the grid lines, that can spread through all of the healing waters for the healing waters are important in connection with the virus. For water can heal so much and hold so much energetically.
It is a time of great clearing, it is a time of Great Change.
The Councils of Love and Councils of Light are holding the planet and humanity, in making the choices to step into their power, to create and more forward the time line for healing and rehabilitation.
We look forward to co-creating with you the Healing of Earth and Empowerment of Humanity.
With love,
Katherine, Sjamirra & Yvonne
Date: 21stMarch 2020
Time: 10PM Hong Kong, 7AM San Francisco, 2PM London
Registration: Not needed
Connection: Join Zoom Meeting via
Meeting ID: 669 199 393
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Recordings: available after the meditation, email
Yvonne Yjemani Li is a multi-dimensional being - a spiritual guide, catalyst, healer and creationist in the modern-day world. A multi-dimensional combination of love and light that opens doors for others so that they may access greater love, consciousness, the gift of flow, and harmonic balance. Yvonne has been co-creating with the enlightened realms, sharing insights on self-mastery, consciousness, and oneness via writings, private sessions, group workshops and channeling universal healing from multi-dimensional realms. She has also collaborated and performed with grammy-award winning musicians and sound healers on sacred sound journeys, as well as consciously channels her unique frequency of divine love, consciousness, and essence into her creative artwork. Yvonne is a Christ Healer & Mentor of the Divine University.
Katherine El’mara is an energy healer, activator, akashic record reader and channeller. Her desire to live a joyful and empowered life led her along a spiritual journey of transformation and self-discovery that has spanned over two decades. Katherine is passionate about spreading the message of love and faith and assisting others to empower themselves so they too can open their hearts to rediscover their own divine true self. Katherine uses a high frequency healing system called the Tablets of Faith, akashic record readings and uses light sacred sound singing, in her sessions, to help shift energies within the mind, body and soul. She provides unconditional love and compassion and works with ascended masters and the angelic realms to channel guidance to assist others on their healing journey. Katherine El’mara is a certified Counsellor of Light and a Mentor of The Divine University.
Sjamirra El’Sha’Rai Kumara (Londa Damon) is the keeper of the new medicine path on Earth and Christ light healer ~ a channel of divine healing energy who walks the Golden path of the healer. Sjamirra works directly in council with these Star Masters on personal and planetary healing, in service to Humanity and our Mother Earth bringing through new healing system carries the Codes of Light for humanity to raise in octaves of light for the restoration and recalibration of the human body that recodes the human DNA, sparking a physical and conscious upgrade. Sjamirra offers individual and group healing, and is inspired to support others to make a difference in their own lives. Through these sessions with the divine blessings from the teams that she works with, assists one to return to greater harmony, wholeness and a raising of ones light quotient. Sjamirra is a also Christ Healer & Mentor of the Divine Unviersity.