New Moon Meditation on 5Nov: New Earth Vision in the One Heart

· Future Events

New Moon Meditations

New Earth Visions in the One Heart

5 November | Sydney 10pm, Hong Kong 7pm, London 11am, New York 7am

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Event Description

Beloved Hearts,

We invite you to join us in the One Heart on the new moons as we co-create and hold a united vision of the New Earth grounding. The New Earth is both physical and energetic, it is the fifth dimensional energetic planetary template that unites all Souls and all kingdoms in Oneness. Separation is the absence of unity consciousness, these veils has created for humanity to experience a lack of  love, and a lack of cohesion with their eternal Spirit, with humanity, and with Mother Earth. Humanity is being called to step into their empowerment, to unite with their Spirit, with their communities, and become the sacred custodians of the New Earth. 

In collaboration with the Family of Light we will co-create the highest potential visions, with love and a focus on a specific light ray for the collective and all beings to manifest a united future experience. In November's New Earth Visions meditation, we will lovingly work with the Blue Ray and Sapphire Ray. 

With Luminous Love and Light,


Event Details

Date: 5 November 2021

Time: Hong Kong 7pm, London 11am, New York 7am

Connection: Livestream via Zoom Webinar, or receive via recording

Fees: free, donations are welcomed via paypal link

Registration: essential via eventbrite link, you can register for one or more monthly events

Webinar Links: eventbrite will automatically send zoom connection details after registration, and will send reminders before the monthly gatherings

Recordings: will be sent within 2 hours of the event completion, please indicate on eventbrite or via email

Enquiries: contact

Other Recordings: Yjemani held a series of New Earth Visions, refer here for more information

Facilitator Bio

Yjemani Kaala Raphael is a multi-dimensional being -a spiritual guide, catalyst, healer and creationist in the modern-day world. A multi-dimensional combination of love and light that opens doors for others so that they may access greater love, consciousness, the gift of creation, and harmonic balance. Yjemani has been co-creating with the enlightened realms, sharing insights on self-mastery, consciousness, and oneness via writings, private sessions, group workshops and channeling healing and activations from multi-dimensional realms. Refer to her website at