Workshop: Reset and Recharge 2019 with the Lunar Eclipse
Wednesday 23 January 2019, 7PM - 930PM @The Space
A major cosmic alignment will take place on January 20-21 2019, there will be a total lunar eclipse at zero degrees Leo coupled with a super full blood moon. This eclipse and full moon event is also supported by a host of planets in alignment starting from January 17, culminating into an epic cosmic reset for Souls on earth to experience a massive shift in consciousness.
The eclipse portal energies between January 7-20 has been preparing those Souls who are undergoing initiations, to shift out of their old habits and limitations. The darkness and void during the total lunar eclipse creates a reset point, to let go of all that no longer serves us from last year particularly as 2018 was a tough year for those who were resistant to changes and integrating their limitations. As the total lunar eclipse is at zero degrees Leo, the archetypal energies of courage, power, loyalty, truth and confidence or the lack of comes into play for your claim. The super full moon, also a blood full moon due to the eclipse will be very close to earth which serves to support new intentions of expansion, flow, and balance. Meanwhile, the energies also intensify during the three days before and after the eclipse due to earth's alignment to the Central sun, and Galactic centre which is an ideal time to tune in to your Soul and Superconsciousness for supercharging your 2019 with a roar!

Wednesday, 23 January 2019
7:00pm - 9:30pm @The Space, Wanchai
17/B Thomson Commercial Bldg, 18 Thomson Rd
Energy Exchange HK$333 (in person or long distance)
Yvonne Yjemani Li is delighted to invite you to the "Reset and Recharge 2019 with the Lunar Eclipse" workshop which will be held during the lunar eclipse and full moon portal energies of January. Yvonne will hold the energies for participants to gain a clear understanding of the individual challenges faced last year so that these programs may be released and balanced through loving acceptance. She will also guide you to connect to your Higher Self, so that appropriate intentions for 2019 that are aligned with your Soul may be set and fueled by the latent energies of the eclipse and full moon.
The beginning of the year is a good time to make new resolutions and goals, as well as reflect on the past year’s challenges and growth as one's continued self-mastery. With self-mastery, we honor your lessons, clear illusions, integrate limiting aspects, turn weaknesses into strength, clarify life purpose, empowerment of your gifts, and support you to step into your full potential. Yvonne will guide particpants as well as facilitate healing and empowerment meditations during the workshop, through which the following outcomes will be achieved:
- Recognise the repeated lessons and limiting blocks
- Identify sabotaging programs and limitations
- Let go of what no longer serves you
- Understand what your current best path might be
- Crystalise your intentions and affirm your goals
- Fuel your intentions and projects with your Higher Self
- Align yourself with the divine flow of the universe
Join this workshop to reset and recharge your 2019 with the lunar eclipse energies! Feel free to bring your favorite crystals so that the new programs and intentions maybe imprinted in your crystals to support ongoing integration.
Long distance version is also available for those who cannot join in-person. The recording will be sent out within 2-3 days of the workshop.
For in person attendance or long distance option please register via eventbrite or email Yvonne at
Testimonials from the workshop:
"This comes in just so perfect timing. I looked back at my notes for 2018, and realised they all manifested in full and my path forward is set for me in 2019. This workshop has given me the much needed assurance to follow the path after all the intense lessons in 2018. Yvonne, I cannot thank you enough. We always have this connection, every encounter brings about greater spiritual lift, you so know me and have been guiding me. I am very thankful."
~Ong Pei Yeing
"Its great! Actually I had it running and repeating at low volume during my sleep too!
~Sylvia Chan